Do you love your calling?

In Phase 1 and 2 of Oversight Stewardship we have been talking about the field leader’s calling/sense of purpose and how it is integrated into this role and plans.  During this Christmas time, it is important to ask the same question John Ortberg asked in his recent Leadership Journal column:  Do you love your calling?

This question is critically important for field leaders, just as it is for pastors.  Loving your calling doesn’t mean everything is going the right way.   It also doesn’t mean that you enjoy all parts of your role as a field leader.

Read the column and reflect.  Identify your own indicators for loving your calling to the field leader role.

Do You Love Your Calling?  Four indicators that you’ve embraced what you are doing.  by John Ortberg


Take a moment and begin a conversation.  Let others know your indicators for embracing your field leader role.   Merry Christmas!

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